I-419 1992, Mechanisation and Automation Postal Service
1346 to 1347 total set ( 2 ) M Rp. 10.000,- U Rp. 5.000,-
I-420 1992, Flowers
1348 to 1350 total set ( 3 ) M Rp. 25.000,- U Rp. 15.000,-
SS 97 M Rp. 16.000,- U Rp. 16.000,-
I-423 1992, The 4th Year of 5th Five Year Development Plan
1357 to 1358 total set ( 2 ) M Rp. 4.000,- U Rp. 2.000,-
I-424 1992, 15th Year Indonesian Cancer Foundation
1359 to 1360 total set ( 2 ) M Rp. 12.000,- U Rp. 8.000,-